Uses of Class

Packages that use DNSException

Uses of DNSException in org.jasen.util

Methods in org.jasen.util that throw DNSException
static boolean MimeUtils.verifySenderAddress(DNSResolver dresolver, InetAddressResolver iresolver, ReceivedHeaderParser parser, String receivedHeaderLine, String senderAddress)
          Verifies the given sender address against the information in the last (most recent) received header line

Specifically, this does the following:

get domain of sender
get IP address of last (most recent) MTA
get hostname of last (most recent) MTA
if (MTA IP Address resolves to MTA hostname) then
use MTA hostname for MX IP records
use MTA IP Address
get MX records for sender domain
if(at least 1 MX record IP matches MTA IP) then valid
static MXRecord[] DNSUtils.getMXRecords(DNSResolver resolver, String canonical)
          Lists the MX records for the given canonical domain