Package org.jasen.interfaces

Interface Summary
AutoUpdateExecutor This is a very specific class which is optionally recieved from an update inside a packaged jar file and is executed during an update.
DNSResolver Resolves dns records.
HeuristicAnalyzer Analyses a JasenMessage looking for matches against a set of heuristic definitions.
HeuristicDefinitionSet Maintains a set of heuristic definitions.
HTMLParser Parses the HTML part of a message.
HTMLTagHandler Handles the processing of an HTML Tag in the SpamHTMLParser.
HTMLTagHandlerResult Represents the optional result sent to an html tag handler.
InetAddressResolver Resolves IP addresses to host names and vice versa.
JasenConfigurationLoader The loader is used to logically separate the task of loading configuration away from the engine
When the auto update engine is used, a restart of the engine may be required.
JasenErrorHandler Provides externalisation of internal, unexpected errors.
JasenEventListener A simple event listener implementation used by jASEN to notify calling applications of internal scan and update events.
JasenMapStore The map store is responsible for loading and saving the JasenMap created during training.
JasenMessage Represents a simplified MimeMessage which provides access to the minimal amount of message information required by the engine.
JasenPlugin Represents a plugin component to the jASEN engine.
JasenScanResult Contains the result of a scan.
JasenTestResult Contains the information pertaining to the result of a test.
MimeMessageParser Used to parse a mime message in order to extract all the relevant parts.
MimeMessageTokenizer Reduces a MimeMessage to a single set of meaningful tokens (words).
ParserData Holds the information obtained from parsing and tokenizing the message.
ProbabilityCalculator Used to calculate the ultimate combined probability of a discrete set of probabilities provided.
ReceivedHeaderParser The ReceivedHeaderParser interface represents a class which can parse a "received" header of an email message.
ReceivedHeaderParserData Represents the data item returned from parsing a MIME "received" header.
Stoppable A thread which can be programatically stopped.
TokenErrorRecorder Describes an object which is capable of recording problems found in tokenizing.
TokenErrorReport Describes an the report returned from tokenizing in which is contained the list of problems found.
URLReader Extracts the HTML from a remote HTTP url.