Uses of Interface

Packages that use JasenPlugin

Uses of JasenPlugin in org.jasen.core

Methods in org.jasen.core that return JasenPlugin
 JasenPlugin PluginContainer.getPlugin()
          Gets the contained plugin

Methods in org.jasen.core with parameters of type JasenPlugin
 void PluginContainer.setPlugin(JasenPlugin plugin)
          Gets the contained plugin

Uses of JasenPlugin in org.jasen.plugins

Classes in org.jasen.plugins that implement JasenPlugin
 class AnomalousCharacterScanner
           Looks for excessive numbers of anomalous characters like '!' and '|'.
 class AttachmentScanner
           Looks for attachment types which may indicate spam, viruses or trojens.
 class FromAddressValidationScanner
           Checks the From header against the envelope sender and/or the return path.
 class HeuristicScanner
           Performs a heuristic scan of an email.
 class HTMLConcealmentScanner
           Tests for HTML concealment.
 class ImageDominanceScanner
           Tests for high ratios of images vs text.
 class InvisiMailScanner
           Looks for emails which do not have any content.
 class KeywordScanner
           Simple keyword scanner which is slower than the robinson scanner but sometimes catches words not tokenized or unknown by the robinson scanner.
 class ObfuscatedCharacterScanner
           This plugin looks at the parser data returned from a parse for occurrences of anomalous character replacments.
 class RBLScanner
          Checks if an SMTP server is listed on a Realtime Blackhole List (RBL).
 class RecipientScanner
           Looks for excessive numbers of recipients.
 class RobinsonScanner
           This scanner is the core spam detection system used in jASEN.
 class SenderAddressValidationScanner
           Validates the forged status of the sender.
 class SenderServerValidationScanner
           Validates the integrity of the sender domain based on the MX records for that domain.
 class TagFalseAnchorScanner
           Checks for false anchors.
 class TagSourceCgiScanner
           Tests for occurrances of HTML tags whose source (src etc) attribute references a remote CGI script.
 class TagSourcePortScanner
           Looks for unknown tcp port references in url tag attributes discovered by the SpamHTMLParser.
 class URLScanner
           Tests for known spammer URLs.